Stuck in Canada

July 19, 2007

VANCOUVER, B.C. — I am not pleased.

Right now, I should be sleeping in my own bed at home. Instead, I am sitting in a hotel room in Vancouver, B.C. because British Airways can’t keep the trains moving on time.

It’s a nice hotel (I just checked and the cheapest room is $330/night), but it’s 6 a.m. and I can’t sleep, even after staying up for 24 hours straight trying to get home. And I’m sure there’s a reason, but there is a motion sensor pointed at my bed that blinks when I move. Problaby a good reason for it, but it’s kind of just freaking me out.

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Looking down on Hell

July 19, 2007

CRUISING ALTITUDE OVER THE ATLANTIC — Ever wonder what Hell will look like when it freezes over?



I have more pictures, but WordPress says I’ve reached my upload quota. Bastards.


July 19, 2007


It’s a sad sight.

And here’s some photos from my bus trip through England:

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The road to Belfast

July 14, 2007


BELFAST — Ireland is beautiful.

I have to admit that I slept most of the way from Galway to Sligo, but after that, I could barely turn away from the window. I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t stop to read. The countryside was gorgeous.

For most of the trip, the land has gone back and forth from impressive to boring, but today’s seven-hour trip to Belfast proved beautiful. Plenty of pictures.

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Out of London

June 28, 2007

DUBLIN — The sun never really set over the ocean.

My flight out of Vancouver flew up through the Arctic Circle going around nightfall. We outflanked the moon. So I saw about 28 hours of straight sunlight.

That probably helped me stay up for the 33 hours it took to finally get all the way into Dublin.

But now I’m here, out of London safe and sound. The city is up and running by 9 a.m. I got about six hours of sleep last night, but I’ve already seen a large part of the city. Dublin started out simple when my first dose of Irish hospitality was a free bus ticket from the airport from some girl who wasn’t going to use it.

Then I was able to figure out the City Centre and check in at the hostel. Actually keeping your bearings in the city at night is a bit more complicated.

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VANCOUVER, B.C. — Right now, I’m sitting at Gate D54 in the Vancouver airport and waiting for British Airways flight 86 to London.vanairport.jpg

A little kid is playing with his mother in a large toy boat. A kid with long hair and Vans shoes is plucking away at an acoustic guitar. And a half dozen people are lounging around the media center watching Lou Dobbs on mute, which is the best way to watch Dobbs.

The weather is overcast, but warm. The terminal is quiet and the airport, in general, makes very little sense.

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Finally. I’m going to Dublin.

Thanks to my brother, Landen, I can at least attempt to keep everyone up to speed on my trip via the Internets. Right now, I’m in Vancouver, B.C. trying to figure out the formatting for this thing.

 So enjoy. We’ll see how this works.